About Hank
I am communications industry veteran and leader with a great resume of experience working with the corporate elite of global business. I am co-founder of The Concept Farm, one of today’s hottest creative companies, past Vice-Chairman of McCann Worldgroup, best selling author, teacher, speaker, three time Emmy award winning television host and a Reiki Master. (Really!)
I've had 50+ years of living and loving marketing, non-stop...from the Mad Men days right up to today. Here’s a link to my website and an official bio with all the details if you're interested. You also can read a narrative about my journey and business experiences brought me to where I am now. From The Boardroom To The Barnyard “A Short Story About A Long Career And Five Valuable Life Lessons Worth Sharing”.
Equipped with the tools and techniques of Asset-Based Thinking, I am looking forward to putting the wisdom of these years to work on thinking BIG and helping make BIG things happen that can make a difference.
"Wisdom & advice based on decades of experience & accumulated expertise shared through the eyes of an asset-based thinker.”
The Best is Next. Stay Tuned.